My absolute favorite thing about handspun yarn is the way the colors randomly stripe and shift as you knit--especially with two or more plies. Lately however I've found myself wanting to spin a more solid yarn so it won't distract from the lace pattern I plan to work. Or I want to wet-felt a scarf with a solid background. Or I want to stripe one color after another in long repeats. So as much as I love a multi-colored top--it's time to introduce some solids. But now wait. Solid-solids would be too boring--so these are tone-on-tone colors with highs and lows to keep it interesting. So pretty!
And because you *really* want to make wild stripy yarns without buying pounds and pounds of fiber....we introduce "Three Feet of Sheep." It's 8 oz worth of 11 colors, a three-foot-long bag of our semi-solids, available in Merino and BFL. Shown above un-bagged for ease of photography. :)