The sneak peeks begin....
This year we have more new items than ever before--new felt bags, new yarns, new fibers, and new colorways. Everything will be unveiled in our new catalog--out June 15th-- and can be seen at the TNNA Columbus show June 13-15. (We're in booths 454, 456.) But for now, a sneak peek is in order:
When my friend, Kim, (and your midwest yarn rep) recommended doing a pink sheep notions bag to raise money for breast cancer it was a no-brainer. My own mother lost her battle with breast cancer when I was ten. So, to say that breast cancer has impacted my life would be an understatement. Unfortunately many people can say the same. In honor of breasts and women everywhere we present the pink Mama Sheep.
Both Mama and Baby are available in pink, with $1.00 from each Mama going to charity, and 50₵ from each Baby.
This year we have more new items than ever before--new felt bags, new yarns, new fibers, and new colorways. Everything will be unveiled in our new catalog--out June 15th-- and can be seen at the TNNA Columbus show June 13-15. (We're in booths 454, 456.) But for now, a sneak peek is in order:
When my friend, Kim, (and your midwest yarn rep) recommended doing a pink sheep notions bag to raise money for breast cancer it was a no-brainer. My own mother lost her battle with breast cancer when I was ten. So, to say that breast cancer has impacted my life would be an understatement. Unfortunately many people can say the same. In honor of breasts and women everywhere we present the pink Mama Sheep.
Both Mama and Baby are available in pink, with $1.00 from each Mama going to charity, and 50₵ from each Baby.